This form will help you to report incidents/ damages/ losses of Cargo
Click here for reporting Notice of Loss or damage
Click here for reporting Final Claim submission
In the event of cargo loss or damage:
1. Notify ONE in writing, stating the general nature of the loss or damage before or at the time of delivery or, if the loss or damage is not apparent, within 3 days after the delivery.
To file a notice of loss/ damage and / or request for a joint survey Click here
2. Notify your Cargo Insurance underwriters. Follow instructions from your Underwriters.
3. Mitigate loss : You have a duty to mitigate loss. Take immediate and reasonable steps to mitigate the loss or damage, including the segregation of damaged goods, reconditioning, repackaging, or salvage.
4. Joint Survey : Engage a surveyor.
Request for a joint survey with ONE, and any other related parties. Your insurance underwriters will be able to guide you.
To request for a joint survey Click here
The Cargo owner and/or their insurer should appoint an independent surveyor on their own behalf.
Generally your insurance underwriter will be able to guide you.
5. Submit a quantified claim – To submit Final Cargo Claim Click here
Documents required to submit Final Cargo Claim:
(a) Cover letter on your Company’s letterhead stating the nature and proof of the loss or damage, itemized claim details, calculations, and value of loss or damage.
(b) A copy of ONE Bill of Lading or Sea Waybill.
(c) Container packing list, tally sheet loading and unloading,
(d) Container condition and seal number
(e) Commercial Invoice
(f) Surveyor’s report, proof of loss or damage
(g) Coloured photographs of Damage
(h) Salvage Receipt (if any)
(i) Destruction certificate (if any)
(j) Equipment Interchange Receipts (EIRs)/ delivery receipt
Terms and conditions of ONE Bill of Ladings can be found here
Acknowledgement of preliminary and formal Claims is not an admission of liability and is made without prejudice to any defenses available to ONE under the contract of carriage and applicable law, none of which is waived.
Ocean Network Express Indonesia
Claims Department